
Sprudio does not store any personal information or credit cards in file. Sprudio do not send spam e-mails or contact you for any reason then following your shopping. We will send to you the download link in e-mails also tracking confirmation number when an item is shipped. Other then that we will NEVER solicit from you anything or jam your in box with e-mails.

Don't see your cart?
Look for a new Tab in your Fire Fox or Netscape page to view your cart. Some browser do not open a new page but a new tab.

There are two shopping carts. One for Cds and one for Mp3. Each shopping cart is labeled as such. Your order between Cds and MP3 are not combined.

We do not store any information from you, only Pay Pal or Amazon can do it. We do not see your credit card and we do not keep your e-mail address for anything else then sending e-mail regarding your order. After that we never contact you, with offers. If you want to come back to us please save our page in your favorite.

If you order by telephone we promise to keep confidential your information and once the payment was placed your information will be destroyed. When you order from our site please look for HTTPS in your checkout page. .

Checkout page is Pay Pal our secure payment geo trust security, please watch your browser in any web site you make payments. When you buy with credit card the confirmation payment e-mail will come from PayPal.

There are many options to buy with a Credit Card, Pay pal . Amazon, Offline

You can use a prepaid card , debit or credit. If your address doesn't match the credit card your payment might be denied.

Buyers do not need a Pay Pal account to pay with credit cards. Pay Pal is our credit card processor, all information are received in a secure server. Look for the https in your payment page. Https stands for a secure server.

When a buyer wishes to purchase our item, he/she will click on the Pay Pal Website Payments Standard button and be directed to a secure Pay Pal payment form.

Here, he will be prompted to either log in to his Pay Pal account or to enter his credit card, (if you don't have a pay pal account) shipping information, and email address.

Once he/she has submitted this information, will be sent an email informing us of the purchase with the buyer's email address and shipping information.

Our Shopping Cart is safe and secure.

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