Healthy Pregnancy subliminal CD


Healthy Pregnancy subliminal CD

Subliminal CD - 60-70 minutes



Remaining positive throughout your term might be difficult, given the physical taxation of any pregnancy. It is good for you and your child to stay positive, all the way down into your subconscious mind where the foundation of your future lies. Stay healthy, happy and positive for the best possible results! Pregnancy is not an easy task, men do not understand it. You feel scared, you feel sick, a new life is sprouting inside of you. You learn from “How to be a mother “books that you need to stay positive, free of stress, well fed and hydrated. Well our subliminal album will give you calm, confidence, pleasure to be a future mom. The baby feels it, knows it and will come in to this world, happy and healthy. This subliminal CD will also remind you often to stay away from harmful activities and substances.

Sample Affirmations :

I am confident and excited about my new future. I look forward to my new life with a healthy child. I am happy to be pregnant. I feel great with this child growing inside me. I know that he or she will be healthy and lucky. I eat healthy now because I have a reason. I am calm and relaxed thinking about my exciting new future. I have a constant companion, I am never alone and I will never be alone. We are healthy and happy and excited. I can stay positive because I feel so happy about my condition. I will continue my positive mind throughout my successful pregnancy.

Music Subliminal CDs includes minimum 2 tracks with music and one track approximately 10-12 minutes Silent subliminal (bonus).

CDs with Nature Sound
includes one track Nature and Subliminal between 50-60 minutes and one track Silent subliminal 10-12 minutes.

CDs completely Silent
have one track between 58 minutes and 70 minutes.

CD with Music
: The affirmations and suggestions are "buried" in the Music and Ocean Waves Sound; all you hear is The Music and Ocean Waves. Final Track Silent, can be used anywhere. There is not sound to be heard by conscious mind.

CD with Nature Sound: The affirmations and suggestions are "buried" in the Ocean Waves Sound; all you hear is The Ocean Waves and the Nature Sound. Final Track Silent, can be used anywhere. There is not sound to be heard by conscious mind.

CD Silent: One single track with subliminal and without music or Ocean Waves.

Required Disclaimer:

  • All of our CDs are guaranteed against defects in materials and craftsmanship for one year. Our self-help audio products are sold as educational aids only- we cannot claim any medical benefits. Nothing in our product range is a substitute for proper health care. Consult your doctor if you have questions regarding health issues.

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